Sunday, March 27, 2016

It's as if I've never been gone, right?

Of course life has changed but basically it's still the same--I'm older, not thinner, of course wiser, and depressed that Downtown Abbey is no more.

The reason for the photo is to reveal my latest obsession: Sarah Coventry jewelry.  I've been collecting it off and over the years and then a couple months ago I decided to dive into the 42 gazillion white boxes containing my collection, and discovered I have a lot--I mean A LOT--of Sarah Coventry jewelry.  And of course duplicates--A LOT--of duplicates, so I set about writing down what I had, finding out names and dates, and compiling it all on an Excel spreadsheet.  I was thrilled to see that I could still remember how to use Excel, although I'm sure the version I have on my computer is hilariously outdated.  But, it works for me.

I've become somewhat of an accomplished (in my mind, at least) jewelry photographer of late due to my involvement in vintage costume jewelry groups on Facebook, where everyone tries to one-up each other on how much of this or that company they own, and if it's a seller, they take really really really good photographs.  Through trial and error, using my iphone and an app called Aviary, I taught myself how to show off my jewels.  I'm out of the groups, however, due to the ridiculous amount of drama going on.   It's entertaining for awhile and then it just get downright nasty, and I get enough of that reading what the trolls write on Bernie Sanders pages.

Here's an example of my handiwork:
They're huge files, however, so I'm going to have to shrink them down if I actually manage to continue this blog.

I was impressed to see that Linda McKean is still blogging away, as are a few other bloggers from "the old days", and that inspires me.  Plus this will keep me off Facebook--I post a lot and hardly anyone reads my posts unless they have photos of the cat.  EVERYONE loves Boo!
Yum!  Catloaf!


  1. Pretty. I love sparkly things. Yup we all get older and wider. That's just life Welcome back

  2. It's me!! I told you I would always follow your blog and it's good to see you giving it a go again. I don't blog as much as I use too, but I manage at least once a week and sometimes more. I've loved your FB photos of all your jewelry and hope you continue to share that here or there! WELCOME BACK!!

  3. We all love YOU too ~ Not just the cat!! I came across your Dad's pendant the other day and thought of you - are you still collecting Stick Pins??

    1. I only buy stickpins these days if it's very very unique. Trying (and failing) to cut down on my collecting and keep it down to specific things. So, that's antique jewelry, high-end manufacturers like Trifari, Hobe, Vendome, owls, antique belt buckles, etc. etc. And of course Sarah Coventry and Emmons.

  4. Hiya! I'm stoked I can be the first to comment (just like the old days!) Good on ya for blogging again. I often miss the community we had going on here in blog land! Glad we are fb friends too. Lovely jewels and cute Boo, the best of both worlds.
